Friday, February 16, 2007


So for about a year, or maybe almost two, I have had this pair of socks that I've been working on. I Stupidly took the manufacturers advice and bought only one skein of yarn. In the process of making these socks I lost the labels (my dog ate them I think), and I probably threw away my receipt (can't find it assuming gone forever). So now I have one finished sock and one half done sock and I don't know what kind of yarn it is nor do I know who I got it from . NICE! So now I am considering undoing the other sock to knit the other sock to the same point and then attempting to find a similar yarn so that I can finish both socks so that they look alike. Only thing is this procedure worries me. Ok i'll admit this procedure down right terrifies me! I don't want to unravel the first sock. It just looks so pretty and not messed up, I can't help it. But the neurotic side of me keeps saying "yes, but if you don't do that then you are going to have two mismatched socks"(stupid neurotic side, SHUT-UP!). That bothers me a lot, a lot more than I thought it would too. Stupid me just had to take the manufacturers word for it. NEVER TRUST THEM!!!.....Otherwise you could be in the same position as me SCREWED! On a lighter note (and to make myself feel slightly better) I may have found a match on ebay. The picture doesn't look quite the same but oh well it's doomed to be jacked anyway.

Changing subject from doom and gloom. My baby jacket/ kimono is almost done, one sleeve left and the collar to go. That does make me feel better, that and the idea that I will have the best dresses baby EVER!! :D I'm one of those crazy mom's who went baby clothes shopping before I even got pregnant. Now that I am, I feel completely justified in scouring the baby clothes racks as well as the clearance. Thanks Mom, i'm a clearance'a'holic because of you (sigh...fond memories of hiding in clothes racks:D).

I think i'm done babbling now I just wanted to let everyone know that i am totally going to be at the Stitches West show in San Jose. That is going to be freakin' awesome, never mind the fact that I have to work at it. I will spend the majority of my paycheck and be in a fantastic mood for months to come (Visualizing soft things and petting them...sigh new fond memories). Husband has camera pictures are coming!

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